What to do When You Get Hungry on a Fast

Hunger while fasting. Did you know that hunger is a sign of losing weight and that Oprah's fitness guru Bob Greene said to go to bed hungry and wake up with less weight?

There is a difference in starvation and hunger. If you failed to give your body nutrition prior to your fast, we have a problem. Starting a fast means preparing. One Dr. Sebi guru gave very good tips on how to prepare. 3 days prior you start with juice and start adding water to the juice. Day 3 prior to the fast you add in 1/3 water to the juice, day 2 before the fast you add in 2/3 water and day 1 you add in 50% water to the juice.

1 week before your fast you need to bulk up on nutrition, veggies and fruits. Dr. Sebi did not feel you need to worry about protein as the seamoss has 92 of the needed nutrients for your body. BUT wait. like supplements seamoss has grades too. Are you getting a good quality sea moss? The author of the God Awakening Diet suggests this seamoss as it is raw and talks about the differences in sea moss. http://amzn.to/2Eu6n88

I ordered my powder from Best Botanicals and very happy with it and Starwest has a powder form too. http://amzn.to/2CAPhoK

So we are fasting and we are taking 3 capsules of Green Food Plus or a substitute or my home made recipe and we are taking 4 caps of bromine powder or my homemade recipe.
These recipes are in the pinned welcome article at the top.

So besides that we are making at least one pot of herbal tea. How about some burdock, dandelion and red raspberry with some black walnut leaf. Yummo to the 7th degree.
Don't have any herbs? How about some parsley and coriander tea or how about some anise tea or how about some ginger tea. These items are at your health food store and grocery store.

Now add 1 gallon of spring water and some juice. You should be fat as a pig by now.

So let's say hunger sets in so bad you want to break your fast. What do you do? You go to the freezer and get a few chunks of banana or any fruit and eat those.

So that means you should have some frozen fruit in your freezer. Yes. If you are on a liquid diet, of course you do. Now here is the secret. Fasting is between you and God and so no one knows you failed. So you just sneak to the freezer get a bit of fruit and begin back on your fast.

By day 3 the hunger starts to leave and by day 4 food makes you sick. After your fast is over you literally have to force yourself to eat.

So what we have to do is get from day 1 to day 4. Not so tough unless you are water fasting. I don't like water fasts as I almost died during my water fast.  My blood pressure dropped too low.  I found after water fasting my body went into starvation mode also.  So I highly recommend the Dr. Sebi Way of Fasting.  

Read the Joy of Fasting to learn detail information on my fasts and how to do the fasting for the best health results.   Read Here. 

Make sure to check your blood pressure daily when fasting also.  Very important to have a blood pressure monitor.  So Fast and enjoy the benefits.

Dementia or Alzheimer's Remedy -Coconut water, oil and Dr. Sebi Approved Herbs

Who would have thought that something so simple would work so great.  But it does and the price is cheaper than eating at McDonald's. 

If you have a parent or loved one suffering from Dementia or Alzheimers, I strongly recommend giving these items to them DAILY!

Make sure it's 100% coconut water with no sugar added Also make sure the coconut oil is 100% and not processed or refined.

Use Alkaline water or Spring water with the Dr.Sebi Bromide Plus Powder  You can add Agave (no sugar) and cinnamon to enhance the flavor. I sometime mix it in a green smoothie or fruit smoothie for my mom. 

Hope this info helps!  You can make the bromide mix with equal parts of Irish seamoss and bladderwrack powders - listed below.  

Join the 21 day Dr. Sebi Detox Program

Are you ready to be healthier and happier for the holidays?  Well then do we have  a plan for you.

Detoxing is done to remove toxins and parasites from your body and allow you to think better, move better and have more fun.  

There are certain foods that are very detoxing and allowed on the Dr. Sebi Plan and there are some foods allowed on the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide we want to avoid.

If you do not have all the foods and supplements, order them now and continue on the detox and work with what you have.  You can visit my store here which has tons of links to the best buys available.

Foods Great for Detoxing

These should be first on your detox shopping list.

  • Kale
  • Brazil Nuts
  • Cilantro - fresh, powdered or dry leaf 
  • Green Tea - only organic and loose tea not in tea bags
  • Onions - all kinds 
  • Olives
  • Kelp or Sea Moss and Bladderwrack
  • Green Food Plus - Make Your Own
  • Avocados
  • Unsweetened Whole Fruits
  • Spring Water
  • Coconut Water
  • Green Juices
  • Chickpeas
  • Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Hazel Nuts and Hazel Nut Protein
  • Agave
 Shake Ingredients

You will have as many shakes as you like and remember to have 1 tablespoon of the bromide mix daily or 9 capsules daily.  Not 4 capsules as the bottle states.  I found 1 tablespoon gave me tons of energy, helped my pain and made me happier.  Isn't that what we all want?

  • Walnut, Hemp or Brazil Nut Milks or
  • Coconut Water or Plain Spring Water
  • Avocado, Mango, green bananas, blueberries, strawberries or any berry.  You can have peaches, prickly pear, pears, cherries, dates or date syrup.  (Check the Nutrition List for more suggestions) 
  • Kale, Swiss Chard, Watercress, Purslane, Cucumbers, bell peppers, lettuce, except Iceberg, and all greens basically.
You cannot have:

Broccolli, spinach, cauliflower, eggplant, lentils, nectarines and all items not on the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide (original guide) 

You cannot have any grain (quinoa, spelt, rye, amaranth, tef, etc.)

You can have

Herbal Teas
  • Alvaca
  • Anise
  • Chamomile
  • Cloves
  • Fennel
  • Ginger
  • Lemon grass
  • Red Raspberry
  • Sea Moss Tea
  • Elder Berry
  • Dandelion
  • Burdock 
  • Any allowable herb is ok 

You can have any allowable oil, but follow the guide for allowable oils and limit them greatly.  Use to saute veggies with and dressings on salads.

  • Olive Oil (Do not cook) - This is extra virgin.  I use Virgin Oil for cooking as it can heat at a higher point than Virgin.
  • Coconut Oil (Do not cook)
  • Grapeseed
  • Sesame Oil
  • Hempseed Oil
  • Avocado Oil
Stress, Exercise and Well Being

I have a few philosophies you may not see on the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide.  Ones I suggest to all my clients.

  1. Charity.  Give charity as much as you can.  So God will smile on you more and help you to be well.  If you are sick give charity.
  2. Rebounding is the best exercise, not aerobic or running.  Rebounding moves the lymph in your body and small rebounds will do you a  whole lot of good.
  3. Clear your friend lists of anyone who causes you harm.  Eliminate people in your home who will not support your lifestyle and lay the law down to your family, that I am who I am, like it or not.

This is a 21 day cleanse.  When you do not eat foods that feed parasites, they will die.  Papaya is a good food to eat for this along with cloves and black walnut and black walnut leaf.  Cilantro also is a very good detoxing food to rid parasites.  

Steps of Cleansing

Remember we are declogging your brain and so recessed memories will surface and these may make you sad or even angry.  Grab some chamomile tea or anise tea and relax.

You will see weight loss and it is literally impossible to gain weight on this detox.  If you are gaining weight, let's look at your journal.  Yes, keep a journal of what is happening daily to you and share it online or with a friend.

Happiness.  Surely you will be happier and life will be better. 

Do not return to your old habits after the fast or detox.  If you return quickly, you will be the old you again.  Remember on Thanksgiving and Christmas to eat lighter and healthier and eat smaller portions.  

The Ideal of a detox is to remove problems, not add to them. 

Be Well - Be Wise - Be Educated - The Dr. Sebi Way.

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