Chemo Killls -- Sebians Do Not Take Toxic Substances.

Very sad to read on the Inspiriing Recipe group that one woman is giving chemo to her child who has leukemia. I wanted to tell her that she is killing her child but in the past there was one man who took chemo and the group got into major major wars and the girlfriend threatened to leave from abuse.

Daaa, it is not abuse trying to save some one. Chemo kills more cancer patients than the cancer itself. A child is defenseless. They cannot help themself and can only do what you feed them.

How can you be a vegan and claim to be a Sebian and feed your child's body the most toxic substance known to mankind? I have seen this so many times guys. People will swear on their mother's grave that they will never do anything that harms their body and as soon as some evil doctor tells them they are going to die they run to the hospital to have chemo. Why? If you know it is toxic why.

There are tons of articles on how chemo and radiology kills. Here are the statistics. In a 5 year check 2.1% of chemo patients will be alive. That means 2 out of 100 people will survive. Recent study showed that a huge percentage using chemo died within the first 30 days.

Chemo kills everything in your body including the immune system and the good cells that can fight your cancer. So when you take chemo many times you are inviting death. It says right on the chemo bottle "may cause secondary cancers." Nearly 100% of the time this happens and secondary cancers are much harder to cure. Remember Tammy Faye Baker. She beat the breast cancer and then got lung cancer which killed her.

Dr. Johanna Budwiq said if you do the flax seed oil protocol you must stay on the program for 5 years as a secondary cancer would not be curable. This happens when the person goes off the diet and the hidden cancer cells climb back to the original spot of the cancer and multiply like ivy. This is called tumor reseeding.

While I understand fear, I also know that there are 450 natural cures and you can't be a Sebian and fall into this trap. Sometimes surgery is necessary but most of the time it is the doctor wanting to make money. Many breast cancers will cure themself and never believe a doctor who tells you that you need surgery with stage 1 cancers. He makes tons of money and buys a new Mercedes.

A sad day when we cannot post the truth in fear of group wars. My only other chance is to educate those who can't fight me. lol. 

Take the time to read and educate people. Cancer is increasing like wild fires.

How to Make Dr. Sebi's Bromide Mix for Pennies on the Dollar


Did you know you can make the famous Dr. Sebi Bromide Mix for pennies on the dollar.  Yes, I made the above 6 cups of mix for only $39.  That means I have enough powder to make 1272 capsules of powder for a fraction of the cost.  I personally take 1 tablespoon daily and if you want to follow my protocol you have enough powder for 96 days or at a cost of 41 cents a day.  Unbelievable huh?

 How did I do this?

If you live in the US you can find companies who ship for free.  If so then all you need is the products.  Now one member told me yesterday that by adding in burdock powder you can get the other 10% of nutrients the sea moss is lacking.  Sea Moss contains 92 of the 102 nutrients needed by the body.  In that case we may increase the volumne by one cup.

So let's look at how we can buy the powders online.



Irish Sea Moss

Best Botanicals Irish Moss Powder   for 16 ounces or 3 cups -

 Starwest Botanicals - 4 ounces or 1 cup -  -

 Starwest Botanicals - 16 ounces -  -

Marine Coast - The Best Available - for 1 pound - 

  Best Botanicals -

Starwest Botanicals - 4 ounces - Sold by Matrix -  -

Starwest Botanicals  - 16 ounces -  -

My Elixir of Life:   16 ounces -  -


 Best Botanicals Burdock Root Powder - 1 lb - -

Frontier Products - 1 pound of Organic root -  -

Starwest Botanicals - 1 pound - Non-Organic -

Starwest Botanicals - Organic - 1 pound -

Buying the Best

I have found that buying the best quality is the best way to go.  You will notice that bladderwrack sells out quickly and suggest you never buy a small quantity.  Due to the number of people buying the bladderwrack as it is in multiple products including the Green Plus it is always in demand.

I hope these links help you live better and healthier. 

You can buy the product made already at Dr. Sebi's Cellfood Store here - Cost is $30 for 90 capsules and $7.50 in shipping.

The 3 Day MucusLess Fast

The 3 Day Mucusless Fast by Dennis Hardy

This cleansing program will purify the body so it may be healed. If you are overweight, this program will take you down to your normal body weight, and if you are underweight, it will bring you up to normal. The purpose of the entire program is to eliminate mucus from the body so that the patient is healed in a natural way.

Remember, there are no incurable diseases--only people who think they are incurable.
After cleansing the body with this program, continue with the mucusless diet and other health-preserving procedures outlined in this booklet. In this way, you will not only help rid the body of disease-causing impurities but also maintain and build vibrant good health.

 The Detoxification Procedure

The detoxification procedure we recommend is taken in part from Dr. N.W. Walker's book, Raw Vegetable Juices: to Detoxicate (Phoenix, Arizona: Norwalk Press, Publishers, n.d., pp. 68-71) (P.O. Box 13206).  You can purchase the book used here on Amazon. 

Supreme cleanliness is the first step towards a healthy body. Any accumulation or retention of morbid matter or waste of any kind will retard our progress towards recovery.
The natural eliminative channels are the lungs, the pores of the skin, the kidneys, and the bowels. Perspiration is the action of the sweat glands in throwing off toxins which would be injurious if retained in the body. The kidneys excrete the end products of food and body metabolism from the liver. The bowels eliminate not only the food waste but also waste matter known as body waste, in the form of used-up cells and tissues, the result of our physical and mental activities, which if not eliminated cause protein putrefaction resulting in toxemia or acidosis. The retention of such body waste has a much more insidious effect on our health than is generally suspected, and its elimination is one of the first steps toward perceptible progress toward health. The cleansing procedure will effect such elimination quickly, particularly for adults.


First thing in the morning we drink sixteen ounces of prune juice. The purpose of this prune juice is not primarily to empty the bowels, which, however, it will do anyway, but rather to draw into the intestines from every part of the body such toxic matter or body waste as may be there, and eliminate it through the bowels.

If nothing were done to replace in the body something in volume equal to the quantity of matter so eliminated, then the body would naturally be dehydrated to that extent. Therefore, we replace the toxic or acid material so removed by drinking fruit juices. This has an alkaline reaction on the system. There are various types of juice therapy--apple,  grape, citrus, tomato, etc.--but use only the one chosen for the three days, and chew each mouthful thoroughly.

One of the most effective blood purifiers known is the common apple. Dr. Edward E. Shook states in his Advanced Course, Lesson number 30, page 4:
"There is no other remedial agent or herb in the whole range of known therapeutic agents, that can compare with the apple tree and, although it would be difficult to say which of its many virtues is the greatest, we suggest that its abundance of nascent oxygen compound is probably the main reason why it is such a precious food, blood purifier, and unfailing remedy for so many forms of diseases."

Other juices, of course, may be used, depending on the individual's preference and condition. Those who live in the citrus belt may use a combination, prepared fresh in the following proportions: four to six grapefruit, according to size; two to three lemons, according to size; and enough oranges to complete a total mixture of two quarts.

The combination may be varied, as you may prefer. Grape juice may also be used; however, frozen grape juice is not recommended because many unacceptable additives are combined in nearly all cases.

The brands of juices sold in the health stores grown on unsprayed and organic soils, are definitely superior to other types that are sold in grocery stores; nevertheless, for many years we have seen many tremendous cures done with brands such as Church, Tea Garden, Queen Isabella, and Welch. They still have great potency, but are not preferred when better juice is available.

After taking the sixteen ounces of prune juice first thing in the morning, within one half hour take an eight ounce glass (regular tumbler) of apple juice. Swish each mouthful thoroughly in the mouth (called chewing) so the saliva will mix with it, thereby getting all the nutritional and healing value from it. In fact, all meals should be eaten without liquids so the food is chewed thoroughly enough to become a liquid by being mixed thoroughly with saliva, which is the key that opens the door to digestion.

We repeat, do not gulp the juice. In this way, there will be no danger of regurgitation to a weak stomach, but it will be very soothing and affable. By using the saliva properly, the healing program is greatly accelerated, for the rest of the digestive juices then are able to function properly instead of haphazardly. When desired, drink a glass of plain water (preferably a glass of distilled water), followed another half hour later with more apple juice. One gallon of apple juice is consumed throughout one day. This, of course, is an approximate and suggested dosage, as age, ability to hold liquids, etc., determine the capacity for each specific case. The alternating procedure, however, has proven to be the best way, with any juice you may choose for the therapy.

Do not eat anything all day, although if you become very hungry towards evening, you may take an apple or two with the apple juice, and any other suitable vegetables or fruits with the respective juice.

Other Aids

During the three-day cleanse, take one or two tablespoons of olive oil three times a day, to aid in lubricating bile and liver ducts, etc.

Breaking up the mucus during juice cleanse generally causes constipation throughout these three days; use more prune juice/

After the Three-Day Cleanse

Preparatory Fast: After the first three days of cleansing, if a person has the desire or ability to do so, it is always profitable to fast one to three days using only distilled water, then a day of juice, before returning to salads and other regular foods. Do not eat any heavy foods immediately after a cleansing period or after a fast, but add these to your diet gradually. This is the best and smoothest way to get back onto solid foods.

On subsequent days, begin taking vegetable juices and vegetables and fruit, preferably all raw. For breakfast, for example, eat fruit in season, sliced, chopped or grated, some agave for sweetening, and one or two tablespoonfuls of finely grated unsalted Brazil Nuts sprinkled over. Also drink one or two glasses of fresh fruit or vegetable juices thirty minutes before or after eating fruit. For lunch, eat more fruit and one pint fresh raw vegetable juices. For dinner add any one of the salads 


At this point refer back to the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide and stay on an alkaline diet for life.  Doing a periodic fast throughout the year can only aid in a healthy life style.  

What to do When You Get Hungry on a Fast

Hunger while fasting. Did you know that hunger is a sign of losing weight and that Oprah's fitness guru Bob Greene said to go to bed hungry and wake up with less weight?

There is a difference in starvation and hunger. If you failed to give your body nutrition prior to your fast, we have a problem. Starting a fast means preparing. One Dr. Sebi guru gave very good tips on how to prepare. 3 days prior you start with juice and start adding water to the juice. Day 3 prior to the fast you add in 1/3 water to the juice, day 2 before the fast you add in 2/3 water and day 1 you add in 50% water to the juice.

1 week before your fast you need to bulk up on nutrition, veggies and fruits. Dr. Sebi did not feel you need to worry about protein as the seamoss has 92 of the needed nutrients for your body. BUT wait. like supplements seamoss has grades too. Are you getting a good quality sea moss? The author of the God Awakening Diet suggests this seamoss as it is raw and talks about the differences in sea moss.

I ordered my powder from Best Botanicals and very happy with it and Starwest has a powder form too.

So we are fasting and we are taking 3 capsules of Green Food Plus or a substitute or my home made recipe and we are taking 4 caps of bromine powder or my homemade recipe.
These recipes are in the pinned welcome article at the top.

So besides that we are making at least one pot of herbal tea. How about some burdock, dandelion and red raspberry with some black walnut leaf. Yummo to the 7th degree.
Don't have any herbs? How about some parsley and coriander tea or how about some anise tea or how about some ginger tea. These items are at your health food store and grocery store.

Now add 1 gallon of spring water and some juice. You should be fat as a pig by now.

So let's say hunger sets in so bad you want to break your fast. What do you do? You go to the freezer and get a few chunks of banana or any fruit and eat those.

So that means you should have some frozen fruit in your freezer. Yes. If you are on a liquid diet, of course you do. Now here is the secret. Fasting is between you and God and so no one knows you failed. So you just sneak to the freezer get a bit of fruit and begin back on your fast.

By day 3 the hunger starts to leave and by day 4 food makes you sick. After your fast is over you literally have to force yourself to eat.

So what we have to do is get from day 1 to day 4. Not so tough unless you are water fasting. I don't like water fasts as I almost died during my water fast.  My blood pressure dropped too low.  I found after water fasting my body went into starvation mode also.  So I highly recommend the Dr. Sebi Way of Fasting.  

Read the Joy of Fasting to learn detail information on my fasts and how to do the fasting for the best health results.   Read Here. 

Make sure to check your blood pressure daily when fasting also.  Very important to have a blood pressure monitor.  So Fast and enjoy the benefits.

Dementia or Alzheimer's Remedy -Coconut water, oil and Dr. Sebi Approved Herbs

Who would have thought that something so simple would work so great.  But it does and the price is cheaper than eating at McDonald's. 

If you have a parent or loved one suffering from Dementia or Alzheimers, I strongly recommend giving these items to them DAILY!

Make sure it's 100% coconut water with no sugar added Also make sure the coconut oil is 100% and not processed or refined.

Use Alkaline water or Spring water with the Dr.Sebi Bromide Plus Powder  You can add Agave (no sugar) and cinnamon to enhance the flavor. I sometime mix it in a green smoothie or fruit smoothie for my mom. 

Hope this info helps!  You can make the bromide mix with equal parts of Irish seamoss and bladderwrack powders - listed below.  

Join the 21 day Dr. Sebi Detox Program

Are you ready to be healthier and happier for the holidays?  Well then do we have  a plan for you.

Detoxing is done to remove toxins and parasites from your body and allow you to think better, move better and have more fun.  

There are certain foods that are very detoxing and allowed on the Dr. Sebi Plan and there are some foods allowed on the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide we want to avoid.

If you do not have all the foods and supplements, order them now and continue on the detox and work with what you have.  You can visit my store here which has tons of links to the best buys available.

Foods Great for Detoxing

These should be first on your detox shopping list.

  • Kale
  • Brazil Nuts
  • Cilantro - fresh, powdered or dry leaf 
  • Green Tea - only organic and loose tea not in tea bags
  • Onions - all kinds 
  • Olives
  • Kelp or Sea Moss and Bladderwrack
  • Green Food Plus - Make Your Own
  • Avocados
  • Unsweetened Whole Fruits
  • Spring Water
  • Coconut Water
  • Green Juices
  • Chickpeas
  • Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Hazel Nuts and Hazel Nut Protein
  • Agave
 Shake Ingredients

You will have as many shakes as you like and remember to have 1 tablespoon of the bromide mix daily or 9 capsules daily.  Not 4 capsules as the bottle states.  I found 1 tablespoon gave me tons of energy, helped my pain and made me happier.  Isn't that what we all want?

  • Walnut, Hemp or Brazil Nut Milks or
  • Coconut Water or Plain Spring Water
  • Avocado, Mango, green bananas, blueberries, strawberries or any berry.  You can have peaches, prickly pear, pears, cherries, dates or date syrup.  (Check the Nutrition List for more suggestions) 
  • Kale, Swiss Chard, Watercress, Purslane, Cucumbers, bell peppers, lettuce, except Iceberg, and all greens basically.
You cannot have:

Broccolli, spinach, cauliflower, eggplant, lentils, nectarines and all items not on the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide (original guide) 

You cannot have any grain (quinoa, spelt, rye, amaranth, tef, etc.)

You can have

Herbal Teas
  • Alvaca
  • Anise
  • Chamomile
  • Cloves
  • Fennel
  • Ginger
  • Lemon grass
  • Red Raspberry
  • Sea Moss Tea
  • Elder Berry
  • Dandelion
  • Burdock 
  • Any allowable herb is ok 

You can have any allowable oil, but follow the guide for allowable oils and limit them greatly.  Use to saute veggies with and dressings on salads.

  • Olive Oil (Do not cook) - This is extra virgin.  I use Virgin Oil for cooking as it can heat at a higher point than Virgin.
  • Coconut Oil (Do not cook)
  • Grapeseed
  • Sesame Oil
  • Hempseed Oil
  • Avocado Oil
Stress, Exercise and Well Being

I have a few philosophies you may not see on the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide.  Ones I suggest to all my clients.

  1. Charity.  Give charity as much as you can.  So God will smile on you more and help you to be well.  If you are sick give charity.
  2. Rebounding is the best exercise, not aerobic or running.  Rebounding moves the lymph in your body and small rebounds will do you a  whole lot of good.
  3. Clear your friend lists of anyone who causes you harm.  Eliminate people in your home who will not support your lifestyle and lay the law down to your family, that I am who I am, like it or not.

This is a 21 day cleanse.  When you do not eat foods that feed parasites, they will die.  Papaya is a good food to eat for this along with cloves and black walnut and black walnut leaf.  Cilantro also is a very good detoxing food to rid parasites.  

Steps of Cleansing

Remember we are declogging your brain and so recessed memories will surface and these may make you sad or even angry.  Grab some chamomile tea or anise tea and relax.

You will see weight loss and it is literally impossible to gain weight on this detox.  If you are gaining weight, let's look at your journal.  Yes, keep a journal of what is happening daily to you and share it online or with a friend.

Happiness.  Surely you will be happier and life will be better. 

Do not return to your old habits after the fast or detox.  If you return quickly, you will be the old you again.  Remember on Thanksgiving and Christmas to eat lighter and healthier and eat smaller portions.  

The Ideal of a detox is to remove problems, not add to them. 

Be Well - Be Wise - Be Educated - The Dr. Sebi Way.

Join my Face Book Group - Dr. Sebi - The Original Mucusless Diet Group

You Can't Handle the Truth - Emotional Avoidance

I remember in the days when I was a Broker in Downey, California and I would come to a man who was days away from foreclosure.  He had been stuffing his notices in a drawer, knowing that this was not really happening and refusing to deal with the situation.  He just knew that GOD would not abandon him and so he ignore the notices and the phone calls.  

Many people are the same way about health.  They know they are in danger and they refuse to accept.  The emotional stuffing is how they are dealing with the situation.  

I love to eat and so why must I lose the one thing I love so much?   Oh the question of the day.  Most cannot deal with this one simple scenario, the love for food.  I remember when I got cancer and I cried because this meant the foods I loved were no more.

I use to ask God to help me understand this.  I had to finally accept that in order to live, I had to change and so the changes came, but not quick enough.  Your body screams out in pain and it says "No, I can't take any more."  Illness is a way of your body refusing your treatment.

Emotional Baggage

So many refuse to accept what is going on.  They simply stuff the feelings in a drawer and say I will think about this tomorrow.  But tomorrow someone brings us a cake or a sandwich or worse lunch with meat.  We love the smell and the aroma and we dig in.

The longer you wait to handle the problem, the worse it gets.  You cannot handle the truth.  You cannot handle the truth and you know more than the doctor.  

You cannot handle that this doctor or guru you are talking to knows more than you.  They must be wrong.

If God Wants me to Die, oK

My brother-in-law said this. He refused to give up smoking and he said he will die when God calls him.  So God, decided he was going to teach this boy a lesson.  He had 2 heart attacks and 4 strokes.  He is in a nursing home now and cannot even handle himself.  He never thought that he would suffer so much.

He lost his home, his wife and his dogs.  He adored his dogs, but they were no more.

Ignoring the Situation - Emotional Avoidance

So you refused to accept you are dying or sick or in trouble, thinking it would end quickly.  Did you ever see anyone die of cancer?  The pain is unbearable and they put them on heavy opioid type drugs.  Many have gigantic sores coming out of their bodies too.  They lose their ability to walk, to talk and to eat anything.

Avoiding the inevitable truth is just crazy.  YOU MUST handle the truth.  You have to find someone to help you too.  Life is too short to lose one single day.


This article is hard for me to write.  I have been there and I have suffered along with many.  The emotional aura of the situation is so real.

I am not sure who you will trust tomorrow, but find someone who can help you accept your destiny and move on.  YES, the diet needs to change to the alkaline diet.  If you have cancer know that cancer cannot live in an alkaline body of 7.5 or more and so you must raise your PH.

Your lifestyle has to change too.  You must avoid all the stress.  Read on Stress - The Killer Here.

Changes of survival depend on the stage of the disease and what protocol you engage in.  Wrong decisions can be deadly.  Pray with all your might and look to the heavens for guidance and then decide.  But please, my friends do not stuff the emotions in a drawer.

How Long Does it Take to Reverse an Acid Body

How long does it take to reverse an acidic body? It all depends on how long you have abused your body. Pancreatic cancer can be in the body for 20 years before detected as it shows little or no signs and most find out they have pancreatic cancer when it spreads to the stomach and then the body shows signs. Once a person has pancreatic cancer, the first things we do is put them on a vegan diet if stage 4 and a choice of vegetarian diet if stage 3. All diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is 3 or 4 in this late stage.

Now some will be diagnosed with early stage pancreatic cancer if the cancer is found by general physical inspection for another illness and in that case their chances are much better.
Conventional treatment for pancreatic cancer in most cases is deadly. There is 2 to 3% chance of survival past 5 years. Natural treatments such as Dr. Sebi Plan or with Black seed has shown an 80% or more success rate.

So now let's review the question again. How long does it take me to reverse my acidic body? You can see signs of reversal as soon as 48 hours. You may feel worse before better if your body is extremely acidic. But signs of reversal will be seen in a very short time if you are on a true alkaline diet or fast. 

Fasting provides the best results. I like the Dr. Sebi Liquid fast the best. Water fasting puts the body into the mode of starvation and coming out of that state can produce problems.
I noticed weight gain after my water fast and it took effort to get back down to where I was before and therefore am not in favor of water fasting. Even though for several days I was on a minimum diet.

Dr. Sebi knew best when he said water, juice, minerals, teas.

Many will however attempt an alkaline diet half heartedly. They will eat a diet high in acidic foods and minimal alkaline foods and those individuals will take longer, even though they have made strides to be healthier.

One highly acidic and fatty meal can cause death. Many people will die of heart attacks and stroke and relatives will never put the acidic diet in to play here. They will just assume it was an act of God. My uncle was 36 and just finished a highly fat plate of meat with big chunks of fat. I have never been able to stomach how people can eat fat. 2 hours later he was found dead in his chair.

Once your body reaches extreme acidic state, your organs may shut down and death is imminent. In cases of extreme acidosis you must fast on water and herbs alone. A mild fast will not reduce extreme acidosis. You must do an extended fast or several fasts in a row. You can have NO FOOD.

People who ignore acidic states and continue to eat a bad diet can expect to live a shorter time. That is why we say a reversal of diet can increase your life by 10 years.

To go on a temporary diet and yo yo back to acidic diet is worse than not doing anything. The brain goes into panic mode and you will gain all your weight back and become sick or deathly ill.

You cannot go on a fast or Dr. Sebi diet for me or because of this scary article. You can only go on a diet when you decide you want to live. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. God however gave you today to begin a new.

Stress - Avoid like the Blubonic Plague

Stress: The single most detrimental thing you can have in your life.

In all my cancer protocols I give the basics of a cancer free life and number 4 on the list is to eliminate stress, even if it is your mother.

You must have no negativity in your life when healing and that includes those on a fast who want to heal the 

 colon, heal diabetes or heal anything.

You must surround yourself with people who support you and get rid of those who are constantly angry, attack your healing or who not on your same page. It is utterly impossible to be on a natural protocol with people attacking why you are doing what you do. Having to explain why you are eating spelt bread or why you must be 100% true to your vegan diet keeps your mind away from what is important.

Even as a healed person you should be looking at your friend list and questioning those who all of a sudden are asking the wrong questions. Suspicion must be in the back of your mind on Face Book as we see many bad things happen. My mom lost everything to a man she trusted here.
Meditation is important and thanking your Lord for the blessings you have received. Never doubting the knowledge of God also and accepting what has happened. So never use the words "why me." Say thank you I am alive.

Forgiveness is important, but forgiving does not mean forgetting.. and Loyalty is important also. People come into your life for a reason and leave for a reason too. Some people are not meant to be friends.

Even as a business I must decide daily who I deal with, sell to and interact with. I must keep my mind focused on healing those in need. I get tons of requests for help and even I have decide who to help. It is literally impossible to help everyone.

I owned the top real estate brokerage in Downey, California and I got to the point where I had to learn to say no. I had to learn to pick and choose. By that I kept my sanity.

For those who are healing, you must surround yourself with like minded folks. People who love what you love and who are working towards the same goals. It it is important to reduce as much stress as possible also. I believe in the 3 strike rule. Give people a few chances and if it happens again and again, block, delete and move on.

You do this for yourself and for your family. Stress has a way of creeping up on you and then bam. So many will die suddenly from stroke and or heart attacks. No one is guaranteed for tomorrow.

Facials Using Sea Moss and Hemp Seed Oil

I would never have guessed to do this in any way, shape or form, but I saw a man on Face Book who posted of his remarkable change in his face.  He was having severe acne, broken out and patched skin everywhere.  After one week of using the sea moss, he had smooth and beautiful skin.

What he did was take raw sea moss and make a gel.  He then applied it to his skin and allowed it to stay on his face until the itching stopped.

The itching can be intense if you have a lot of toxins in the face and skin.  It will take from 10 minutes to 30 minutes.  Then rinse with warm water and apply a good moisturizer or oil or cream such as Shea butter.

I did not have any raw sea moss and my gel was all gone and so I decided to take some hemp seed oil and bromide powder (Irish Sea Moss and bladderwrack).  I applied it to my face and wow you should see the difference.  I had minor itching as compared to the raw sea moss and possibly because I diluted it with oil and bladdewrack.

It does have a very fishy smell, but tolerate the discomfort and see the difference.  A natural botox treatment in just a few minutes in the comfort of your home.

Experimenting on My Neighbors

So my neighbor had tried my Shea Butter from Amazon I bought and she loved it so much.  She asked me to bring her some more and I told her about this facial.  So I put the oil and powders on her face and she complained the entire time.  She hated the smell.  So she rinsed her face after 10 minutes.  Wow, you should see her face. She was lighter in color and a shiny look of a Queen.  She lost 5 years in age for sure.

Then her daughter wanted to try this. She is very tired from her children.  So we put the mask on her and it just brightened her spirits.  While the facial is not cheap, it is much cheaper than any treatment you could get at a spa.

How to Make the Facial

If you want to make the facial like I did, you take 1 cup of sea moss powder and 1 cup of bladderwrack powder and mix together.   This is the bromide powder you should be taking daily.  Dr. Sebi suggests 4 capsules a day.  But for the facial we want to start with 2 tablespoons of hemp seed oil (you can use any oil, but I wanted to try hemp as it is so good for the skin) add in 1 heaping teaspoon of the powder and mix well.  Apply to the face liberally and be careful around the eyes.  Allow to stay on your face until the oils dry and then rinse off with warm water.

After you rinse your face you need to put on a moisturizer.  I used black seed oil. But you could apply some Zum oil (frankincense and myrrh oil) or Shea Butter.  You will see an immediate difference.

How to Make the Gel

This is what the man did.  He took some Irish sea moss, see the link below, and rinsed it well with water to remove the grit.  He then added fresh spring water and covered it well and then allowed it to sit for up to 24 hours.  The next day rinse the gel off and put it in a blender and add in around 1 cup of fresh spring water and blend well.  You can add in more water as you like.  

This gel preparation can be viewed here.  This way will cause extreme itching and so be prepared.

See the links below to order the products I did.

My Pain Remedy with Black Seed Oil

Are you in pain?  Well almost everyone in the world is today.  I saw this basic remedy from a man on Face book called Patrick Delves.  He is in Grenada and is an herbalist there.  Not for sure if he is a licensed herbalist, but this man really knows his stuff.   

The remedy is very simple to make and most ingredients you have in your home.

Patrick Delves Pain Remedy UPDATED

  • 1 cup of black seed oil 
  • 1 cup of olive oil (Extra virgin)
  • 2 capsules of vitamin E (I used the dry)
  • 1 tablespoon of cayenne
  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric (I had a turmeric mix with black pepper and black seeds, but you could leave out the black seeds, but black pepper a must)
  • 10 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil


Mix the lot and put in a dark bottle for future use.  Massage as needed.  

I tried this oil out and it was wonderful.  It worked almost immediately and I was very very impressed.

How to Make the Dr. Sebi Chelation I and II Formulas


I have been asked to create a new protocol for how to make the chelation 1 and 2 at home.  For some they cannot afford the Dr. Sebi's Cleansing programs.  The chelation 1 and 2 are exactly the same.  They contain the same ingredients:
  • Cascara Sagrada
  • Prodijiosa
  • Rhubarb Root
 Shop at my store for the best and cheapest selections: here


We love Dr. Sebi, but you must buy the entire program to get the chelation.  The cleansing kits contain:

Small Cleansing Kits - $250

Chelation 2
Viento - $50
Bio Ferro  - 50

Their bottles contain 90 capsules and if you have to take them  4 a day then the package is good for 21 days.  So cost per day is a little over $11.  If the Viento and Bio Ferro cost $100, then the cost of Chelation 2 is $150.  Wow, incredible.

Three Major Healing Properties of Prodijiosa

Prodijiosa, also known as brickellia helps lower high blood sugar levels in insulin-resistant type II diabetics (adult onset). In addition, it improves bile evacuation from the gallbladder and bile synthesis in the liver, thus stimulating fat digestion in the gallbladder.

The increased bile flow also flushes or dissolves small gallstones out of the body. Finally, brickellia improves the stomach lining and digestion, as it increases the quality and quantity of hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach. This helps you to digest foods that otherwise taker a long time to digest and cause you to have acidic indigestion.


 The Support Package - $375

  • Chelation 2 - $150
  • Viento - $50
  • Bromine Plus Capsules - $30
  • Lymphalin - $125
  • Bio Ferro - $50
Here we have two products not sold in the products store.  Lymphalin contains

Hortensia - also known as hydrangea root -
Pushiana - Is really named Cascara Sagrada -
Red Clover -
Mulato - 50 grams  -

I often why they use such strange names?  Is that to confuse us?  Either way Lymphalin is 1/2 cup of powder only and cost $125.   The above makes 8 cups of powder and more of certain herbs for quite reasonable price.  Starwest Botanicals has free shipping over $75.

Crush Foster's Alternative Detox Tea

The ingredients for Crush Foster's Detox Tea is much easier to find.  I like this very much.  


You will notice the ingredients in this detox is many that you have at home.  You could just add a few herbs and make your own.

Essiac Tea

The Essiac Tea has been famous for years as a detox and many brands such as Starwest Botanicals.

The ingredients are: 

Certified organic burdock root, certified organic sheep sorrel herb, slippery elm bark, watercress herb, certified organic Turkish rhubarb root, certified organic kelp, certified organic blessed thistle herb, certified organic red clover blossom.



Making it yourself and saving a bundle of money makes sense.  But it is up to everyone to decide what is best for them.  I have provided the best links for the best herbs I could find.  But in the end no guarantees on my part can be made.  Pray to God and ask for guidance and then decide on your own.

Please visit my store for the best buys

Also Read:

How to Make Green Food Plus at Home
How to Make Bromine Plus at Home
Dr. Sebi's Diet and Nutrition Guide
Dr. Sebi's Products and Complete List of Ingredients
Dr. Sebi's Therapeutic Products
Grocery Shopping on a Budget for Dr. Sebi's Diet

Simply Delicious Orange Julius Smoothie


I went to the photo shop to buy a photo of an Orange Julius and guess what there were none.

What happen did they close up?

They were just so much fun.  We would go to the mall and get our Orange Julius in a to-go cup and run around the mall like crazy teenagers. 

Well yes I enjoy the memories for sure.  So here I am trying to think of a way to bring back those memories and walah a new recipe came to mind. Now I swear you will just love this.

  • 3 cups of ice cold water
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds
  • 1 pak of stevia or agave syrup
  • 2 to 3 frozen bananas
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla
  • 1 cup of orange juice.
  • 1 tablespoon of bromide mix (bladderwrack and seamoss powders - 50 - 50)

Note:  You can find how to make your own Bromide Mix here


Throw the lot in a blender and blend on high speed.

Well that is it guys, Enjoy.