Chemo Killls -- Sebians Do Not Take Toxic Substances.

Very sad to read on the Inspiriing Recipe group that one woman is giving chemo to her child who has leukemia. I wanted to tell her that she is killing her child but in the past there was one man who took chemo and the group got into major major wars and the girlfriend threatened to leave from abuse.

Daaa, it is not abuse trying to save some one. Chemo kills more cancer patients than the cancer itself. A child is defenseless. They cannot help themself and can only do what you feed them.

How can you be a vegan and claim to be a Sebian and feed your child's body the most toxic substance known to mankind? I have seen this so many times guys. People will swear on their mother's grave that they will never do anything that harms their body and as soon as some evil doctor tells them they are going to die they run to the hospital to have chemo. Why? If you know it is toxic why.

There are tons of articles on how chemo and radiology kills. Here are the statistics. In a 5 year check 2.1% of chemo patients will be alive. That means 2 out of 100 people will survive. Recent study showed that a huge percentage using chemo died within the first 30 days.

Chemo kills everything in your body including the immune system and the good cells that can fight your cancer. So when you take chemo many times you are inviting death. It says right on the chemo bottle "may cause secondary cancers." Nearly 100% of the time this happens and secondary cancers are much harder to cure. Remember Tammy Faye Baker. She beat the breast cancer and then got lung cancer which killed her.

Dr. Johanna Budwiq said if you do the flax seed oil protocol you must stay on the program for 5 years as a secondary cancer would not be curable. This happens when the person goes off the diet and the hidden cancer cells climb back to the original spot of the cancer and multiply like ivy. This is called tumor reseeding.

While I understand fear, I also know that there are 450 natural cures and you can't be a Sebian and fall into this trap. Sometimes surgery is necessary but most of the time it is the doctor wanting to make money. Many breast cancers will cure themself and never believe a doctor who tells you that you need surgery with stage 1 cancers. He makes tons of money and buys a new Mercedes.

A sad day when we cannot post the truth in fear of group wars. My only other chance is to educate those who can't fight me. lol. 

Take the time to read and educate people. Cancer is increasing like wild fires.

How to Make Dr. Sebi's Bromide Mix for Pennies on the Dollar


Did you know you can make the famous Dr. Sebi Bromide Mix for pennies on the dollar.  Yes, I made the above 6 cups of mix for only $39.  That means I have enough powder to make 1272 capsules of powder for a fraction of the cost.  I personally take 1 tablespoon daily and if you want to follow my protocol you have enough powder for 96 days or at a cost of 41 cents a day.  Unbelievable huh?

 How did I do this?

If you live in the US you can find companies who ship for free.  If so then all you need is the products.  Now one member told me yesterday that by adding in burdock powder you can get the other 10% of nutrients the sea moss is lacking.  Sea Moss contains 92 of the 102 nutrients needed by the body.  In that case we may increase the volumne by one cup.

So let's look at how we can buy the powders online.



Irish Sea Moss

Best Botanicals Irish Moss Powder   for 16 ounces or 3 cups -

 Starwest Botanicals - 4 ounces or 1 cup -  -

 Starwest Botanicals - 16 ounces -  -

Marine Coast - The Best Available - for 1 pound - 

  Best Botanicals -

Starwest Botanicals - 4 ounces - Sold by Matrix -  -

Starwest Botanicals  - 16 ounces -  -

My Elixir of Life:   16 ounces -  -


 Best Botanicals Burdock Root Powder - 1 lb - -

Frontier Products - 1 pound of Organic root -  -

Starwest Botanicals - 1 pound - Non-Organic -

Starwest Botanicals - Organic - 1 pound -

Buying the Best

I have found that buying the best quality is the best way to go.  You will notice that bladderwrack sells out quickly and suggest you never buy a small quantity.  Due to the number of people buying the bladderwrack as it is in multiple products including the Green Plus it is always in demand.

I hope these links help you live better and healthier. 

You can buy the product made already at Dr. Sebi's Cellfood Store here - Cost is $30 for 90 capsules and $7.50 in shipping.

The 3 Day MucusLess Fast

The 3 Day Mucusless Fast by Dennis Hardy

This cleansing program will purify the body so it may be healed. If you are overweight, this program will take you down to your normal body weight, and if you are underweight, it will bring you up to normal. The purpose of the entire program is to eliminate mucus from the body so that the patient is healed in a natural way.

Remember, there are no incurable diseases--only people who think they are incurable.
After cleansing the body with this program, continue with the mucusless diet and other health-preserving procedures outlined in this booklet. In this way, you will not only help rid the body of disease-causing impurities but also maintain and build vibrant good health.

 The Detoxification Procedure

The detoxification procedure we recommend is taken in part from Dr. N.W. Walker's book, Raw Vegetable Juices: to Detoxicate (Phoenix, Arizona: Norwalk Press, Publishers, n.d., pp. 68-71) (P.O. Box 13206).  You can purchase the book used here on Amazon. 

Supreme cleanliness is the first step towards a healthy body. Any accumulation or retention of morbid matter or waste of any kind will retard our progress towards recovery.
The natural eliminative channels are the lungs, the pores of the skin, the kidneys, and the bowels. Perspiration is the action of the sweat glands in throwing off toxins which would be injurious if retained in the body. The kidneys excrete the end products of food and body metabolism from the liver. The bowels eliminate not only the food waste but also waste matter known as body waste, in the form of used-up cells and tissues, the result of our physical and mental activities, which if not eliminated cause protein putrefaction resulting in toxemia or acidosis. The retention of such body waste has a much more insidious effect on our health than is generally suspected, and its elimination is one of the first steps toward perceptible progress toward health. The cleansing procedure will effect such elimination quickly, particularly for adults.


First thing in the morning we drink sixteen ounces of prune juice. The purpose of this prune juice is not primarily to empty the bowels, which, however, it will do anyway, but rather to draw into the intestines from every part of the body such toxic matter or body waste as may be there, and eliminate it through the bowels.

If nothing were done to replace in the body something in volume equal to the quantity of matter so eliminated, then the body would naturally be dehydrated to that extent. Therefore, we replace the toxic or acid material so removed by drinking fruit juices. This has an alkaline reaction on the system. There are various types of juice therapy--apple,  grape, citrus, tomato, etc.--but use only the one chosen for the three days, and chew each mouthful thoroughly.

One of the most effective blood purifiers known is the common apple. Dr. Edward E. Shook states in his Advanced Course, Lesson number 30, page 4:
"There is no other remedial agent or herb in the whole range of known therapeutic agents, that can compare with the apple tree and, although it would be difficult to say which of its many virtues is the greatest, we suggest that its abundance of nascent oxygen compound is probably the main reason why it is such a precious food, blood purifier, and unfailing remedy for so many forms of diseases."

Other juices, of course, may be used, depending on the individual's preference and condition. Those who live in the citrus belt may use a combination, prepared fresh in the following proportions: four to six grapefruit, according to size; two to three lemons, according to size; and enough oranges to complete a total mixture of two quarts.

The combination may be varied, as you may prefer. Grape juice may also be used; however, frozen grape juice is not recommended because many unacceptable additives are combined in nearly all cases.

The brands of juices sold in the health stores grown on unsprayed and organic soils, are definitely superior to other types that are sold in grocery stores; nevertheless, for many years we have seen many tremendous cures done with brands such as Church, Tea Garden, Queen Isabella, and Welch. They still have great potency, but are not preferred when better juice is available.

After taking the sixteen ounces of prune juice first thing in the morning, within one half hour take an eight ounce glass (regular tumbler) of apple juice. Swish each mouthful thoroughly in the mouth (called chewing) so the saliva will mix with it, thereby getting all the nutritional and healing value from it. In fact, all meals should be eaten without liquids so the food is chewed thoroughly enough to become a liquid by being mixed thoroughly with saliva, which is the key that opens the door to digestion.

We repeat, do not gulp the juice. In this way, there will be no danger of regurgitation to a weak stomach, but it will be very soothing and affable. By using the saliva properly, the healing program is greatly accelerated, for the rest of the digestive juices then are able to function properly instead of haphazardly. When desired, drink a glass of plain water (preferably a glass of distilled water), followed another half hour later with more apple juice. One gallon of apple juice is consumed throughout one day. This, of course, is an approximate and suggested dosage, as age, ability to hold liquids, etc., determine the capacity for each specific case. The alternating procedure, however, has proven to be the best way, with any juice you may choose for the therapy.

Do not eat anything all day, although if you become very hungry towards evening, you may take an apple or two with the apple juice, and any other suitable vegetables or fruits with the respective juice.

Other Aids

During the three-day cleanse, take one or two tablespoons of olive oil three times a day, to aid in lubricating bile and liver ducts, etc.

Breaking up the mucus during juice cleanse generally causes constipation throughout these three days; use more prune juice/

After the Three-Day Cleanse

Preparatory Fast: After the first three days of cleansing, if a person has the desire or ability to do so, it is always profitable to fast one to three days using only distilled water, then a day of juice, before returning to salads and other regular foods. Do not eat any heavy foods immediately after a cleansing period or after a fast, but add these to your diet gradually. This is the best and smoothest way to get back onto solid foods.

On subsequent days, begin taking vegetable juices and vegetables and fruit, preferably all raw. For breakfast, for example, eat fruit in season, sliced, chopped or grated, some agave for sweetening, and one or two tablespoonfuls of finely grated unsalted Brazil Nuts sprinkled over. Also drink one or two glasses of fresh fruit or vegetable juices thirty minutes before or after eating fruit. For lunch, eat more fruit and one pint fresh raw vegetable juices. For dinner add any one of the salads 


At this point refer back to the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide and stay on an alkaline diet for life.  Doing a periodic fast throughout the year can only aid in a healthy life style.