Fasting Day 6 - Dr. Sebi Way

Day 6 - Fasting is not easy. Don't kid yourself that if you give up food, that this will be your biggest trial. God bless Marcus Lamb who wrote yesterday about the anger, the pain and frustrations involved in healing. He knows well what I and others will go through and for the testimony that stated "Be prepared to be sick."
Well for one thing you will go through many phases. Depression is one as you will start to remember and see people clearer. You will remember things you have not remembered in 40 years. You will have depression for no set reason and you will have pain. Yes, real and electric pain.
Today I am in awful pain from a blockage I tried to solve yesterday. I had continual swelling in my body and I know drinking the juice of an entire pineapple will get rid of dead parasites. So although it may not be on the Sebi plan I tried this. It did not work.
I tried taking two Dr. Christopher's quick flush and it did not work. I am still waiting on products to arrive I ordered and so I am doing this cold turkey. I hope to pass some of this blockage today.
So the weight keeps coming off bit by bit. Not anything drastic. All my neighbors are shocked at how skinny I man now. 28.5 pounds gone since Ramadan. I only started the Sebi program around 3 weeks ago. So not all from this program.
Blood pressure dropping daily. Originally 130/80 which was slightly high and now 108/68 which is excellent.
Lots of arthritis type pains and it can be from the parasites and toxins in my body trying to exit. Everyone who eats meat, fruit or veggies will have parasites. Some will go to hide and some will die and get lodged in passage ways.
I thank those who encourage me to post as it will help you to prepare. It is a journal of life. I started with a PH of 5.5, went to 7.0 and with yesterday's problems dropped to 6.0. Maybe from drinking the pineapple. Have not checked this morning yet. This tells me my body is in major trouble and needs lots of work.
I saw a video with Dr. Sebi yesterday and he could literally drop on his knees and he said this was from the sea moss and so I must and I mean must add more sea moss to my diet. Severe knee problems from before the fast and till now.
Do I have thoughts of quitting? Yes. They will always be there I fear as we see others eating wonderful things and talking about cooking but I know I do not have a choice. If you want to be well, know that it will not come overnight. If you have taken years to accumulate junk in your body, do not think it will happen overnight.
I started this fast because I was near death and had no other choice and so I or others know they must hang on and endure what will come to be well. I ordered the Ty's conscious Kitchen cook book by Ty Tyrone Pendland IIyesterday to have for when I am totally well.
I have taught health for 10 years but nothing has prepared me for what I am going thru now. It is a learning experience and one that may take awhile. I fear 40 days is not enough. Sometimes we have to just keep going until we see God as the one woman quoted on her 40 day fast. Dr. Sebi said after 90 days you will see much.
So hopefully my next post is more upbeat and with less pain. But I am a survivor. Thanks to those who encourage me. And to those who will be starting their fast God Bless you.

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